Friday, April 16, 2010

Pretend Language.

So Izzy is almost 19 months and a tiny behind on speaking. He does some a hang full or signs and constantly say "what's that", and a few animal noises but not quite to the par I would hope. Don't get me wrong I am not pushing him and I know he will talk when he is ready and knowing him probably in full sentences. When the 3 of us sit around the dinner table every night we say a few words trying to get Izzy to repeat after us. But instead of trying he does EXACTLY what Joey from Friends does when Phoebe is trying to teach him French. If we say "say apple" Izzy says " mena" and so on. Watch the video it's totally the same.

Crazy boy.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

So I'm a Blogger

Well it took way too long to even get this going. Choosing a name then it NEVER being available wasn't fun.
I am going to start writing about the little random thing in our life.
My name is Rachael, I live in Murrieta, CA.
I have a amazing, hard working, loving husband, named Ashley. We have 1 boy named Israel, which we never call him unless he is being 2 or 3 named; which isn't very often because he is only 19 months and has no idea the "severity" of the 2 or 3 name. We call him Izzy, he is a happy, easy going bright star in our lives. We also have a golden retriever named Brinkley (yes from You've Got Mail).
I'm not sure if anyone will ever read this, but that's ok. It's really more for me.